Edh deck with 0 lands dredge
Edh deck with 0 lands dredge

edh deck with 0 lands dredge

Set Adrift is a nice tempo/removal spell in blue for Limited. Will of the Naga is a fine tempo play that usually costs three or four mana in Limited. Rite of Undoing is a bounce effect with the upside of also returning your good ETB permanents. A deck usually has one set of cards with delve and that’s it, like four Gurmag Anglers or Murktide Regents.ĭelve has been printed on creatures, instants, and sorceries so far, but we could see it on other permanent types in the future. Since delve cards consume one resource (cards in your graveyard), they don’t work well together.

edh deck with 0 lands dredge

After that Khans of Tarkir and Fate Reforged printed the bulk of the delve cards. The first set this mechanic appeared in was Future Sight in 2007, on Tombstalker, Logic Knot, and Death Rattle.

edh deck with 0 lands dredge

One of them could be cast for while the other requires at least. Murderous Cut | Illustration by Yohann Schepaczĭelve is a mechanic that lets you exile a card in your graveyard to pay for of that spell’s cost.Ĭards that have only one colored pip in their mana cost, like Gurmag Angler, are generally better than cards that have two or more colored pips, like Tombstalker. Can I Delve Additional Cards in my Graveyard in Response to a Mana Leak-Type Counterspell?.Does Delve Affect the Mana Value of the Spell?.

Edh deck with 0 lands dredge